Let's get it finished

As soon as the building work on Seabreeze was complete, it was time to turn it into a home that everyone would love.
It began with the bathrooms, as Dave and Simon turned our dreams into reality with two stunning shower rooms. Then it was on to the kitchen, with a huge delivery from Howdens as Mark jumped into action and fitted all the bits and bobs that would make a great cooking space for our guests.
Next, Mark fitted the floor and doors, skirting boards and our kitchen bench that was perfect for morning cuppas in the sun.
Finally, we had a perfectly built cottage, ready to be filled with happiness and fun, but first it had to be filled with all those essentials that guests would need, from beds to sofas, not forgetting garden furniture and cutlery.
As always, nothing happens without a few hiccups. Firstly, the master bed wasn't the one we chose and the second bed was damaged, but thanks to Biddulph Beds and two very happy drivers travelling from stoke to enjoy fish and chips by the sea, the beds were exchanged and all was good.
The pool table was ours and had a long history, including being a pub pool table in Stoke, to a pool table for weekly competitions in our friends house, to finally sitting in our conservatory for parties. It travelled well to Seabreeze, with the help of the removal experts but getting it level required time, skill and a lot of patience.
Then came the mammoth amount of bits and bobs, the wall-art, the soft furnishings, not to mention what felt like millions of pillows and mountains of bedding.
Finally it all came together and we were ready to open our door to guests in March 2024...but them came the problem...
Only days before opening, the drains to Seabreeze became blocked after years of neglect. Panic set in, but thankfully United Utilities Water Company were on site in days, cleared the drain and we were good to go.
And that was our beginning, a few moments of panic, quite a few laughs and a lot of satisfaction as we watched the cottage become loved again.