You will receive all your check-in details the week before your stay
To check what is provided at Seabreeze, just take a look at the 'Supplies' page in this guide, if the item that you need isn't listed, just send us a message and we will help in any way we can
We will message you once Seabreeze is ready for you (latest 4pm), so your holiday can begin as soon as possible
If you arrive before we have messaged, we ask that you park in town, as our housekeepers need the driveway during changeover
There is parking for 2 cars on the rear driveway at Seabreeze, for extra parking, park on Lawn Terrace opposite Seabreeze or anywhere in town
The key safe sits at the back of the house, on the driveway, to the left of the window by the rear gate
There will be tea, coffee, sugar and milk available for your arrival so you can relax and put your feet up with a brew
We won't bombard you with message after you have arrived, but we are always available if you need us, no matter how small an issue, we always want to help and we will never say no to seeing your holiday snaps
Enjoy your stay,
Melanie, Gary, Barry and Bernadette - The Seabreeze Team xx
Lovely holiday accommodation, well equipped and everything you could possibly need has been carefully thought through and provided. A great selection of toys for the children, family and the furries. ...