Time to open

Opening the doors to Seabreeze and welcoming guests was so scary!
As Seabreeze had been in such a bad state of repair when we began the renovation, we had no idea what could go wrong, never-mind the multitude of things we could have forgotten, there wasn't even the space in my head to worry if guests would actually like what we had created.
Luckily, our first guests at Seabreeze were friends and regular guests at Seagreen so they could be honest and we wouldn't worry about anything going wrong.
Lorraine and Phil gave so much great feedback, I had lists everywhere and there was an endless stream of deliveries heading to the cottage that Lorraine kindly unpacked and found a home for in the cottage. From mixing bowls to kitchen drainers, and so many more things that I can't even remember now.
But the feedback was positive, they gave the cottage their seal of approval and we could finally relax.
We send Lorraine and Phil a huge thank you for being our first guests at Seabreeze, for trusting us, for supporting us and for helping us. We hope they return to Seabreeze one day in the future but for now, they have their next stay at Seagreen to look forward to.
Melanie, Gary, Barry and Bernadette - The Seabreeze Team xx